The Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago
Course resources for Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago students

Student resources for classes taught by Associate Professor, Lindsay Grace

School Information Sites: AI Game Art and Design | AI Web Design and Interactive Media | AI Student Affairs Website
Provided by your instructor: Media Show 2008 Photographs | Student Game Programming Samples | Student Game Prototyping Gallery | Site Archive | Random Game Site

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    Spring 2009 Programming for the Artist (Section A)
  Class Type Icon

GAD415: Introduction to video game programming and Maya Embedded Language programming. Students develop a 3D video game in 8 weeks.

Spring 2009 Games . . .

Student Game Programming Samples . . .

Previous Quarter's Winning Games:

  1. Mobility Scooter Deathmatch X2 Gaiden*
  2. Zeus Lightning
  3. Battle Buggies

*Winnner at Fame 2009

  Spring 2009 Advanced Game Prototyping (Section A)
Class Type Icon GAD440: Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document
 Previous Quarters (content not maintained)
    Winter 2009 Game Prototyping (Section A)

GAD420: Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Half Life 2 or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document (MDD), art pipeline, art asset creation, and programming.

Participate in the Global Game Jam . . . (sign up now)

Consider applying for a GDC scholarship


    Winter 2009 Advanced Game Prototyping (Section A)

GAD440: Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document

Participate in the Global Game Jam . . . (sign up now)

Consider applying for a GDC scholarship: Due January 15th


    Fall 2008 Programming for the Artist (Section 1)

GAD415: Introduction to video game programming and Maya Embedded Language programming. Students develop a 3D video game in 8 weeks.

Student Game Programming Samples . . .

Previous Quarter's Winning Games:

  1. Mobility Scooter Deathmatch X2 Gaiden
  2. Zeus Lightning
  3. Battle Buggies
    Fall 2008 Game Prototyping I (Section 1)

GAD420: Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Half Life 2 or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document (MDD), art pipeline, art asset creation, and programming.

Joint University of Illinois, Chicago (CS 426) Computer Science / Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago Game Art (GAD420)

Student Game Prototyping Gallery . . .

Winning Games:

Previous Quarter's Games:

    Summer 2008 Programming for the Artist (Section A):

GAD415: Introduction to video game programming and Maya Embedded Language programming. Students develop a 3D video game in 8 weeks.

Summer 2008 Games (listed by game rank):

  1. Mobility Scooter Deathmatch X2 Gaiden
  2. Zeus Lightning
  3. Battle Buggies

Previous Quarter's Winning Games:

Summer 2008
Advanced Game Prototyping (Section A)

GAD440: Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document

Summer 2008 Team Forum for game.

Previous Quarter's Game Development Wiki's:

    Summer 2008 Introduction to Game Design (Section A)
    GAD110: Students learn the basics of game development, design and marketing.
Spring 2008

Programming for the Artist (Section A):[syllabus]

    Introduction to video game programming and Maya Embedded Language programming. Students develop a 3D video game in 8 weeks.
Spring 2008
Game Prototyping (Section A)[syllabus]
    Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document (MDD), art pipeline, art asset creation, and programming.
Spring 2008
Advanced Game Prototyping (Section A)[syllabus]
    Students continue to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document (MDD), art pipeline, art asset creation, and programming.
Winter 2008

Programming for the Artist (Section A):

    Introduction to video game programming and Maya embedded language programming. Students develop a game in 8 weeks.
Winter 2008
Game Prototyping (Section A)
    Students learn to develop a game prototype by modding Unreal, Source or other games. Students complete the game development process including creating a game design document (GDD), media design document (MDD), art pipeline, art asset creation, and programming.
Winter 2008
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
    Students learn to create narrative for a video game by developing a video game script. This includes writing interactive dialog, character sketches, diagramming plot, and others.
Fall 2007
Programming for the Artist (Section A)
Fall 2007
Web Scripting
Fall 2007
Game Prototyping (Section A)
Summer 2007
Programming for the Artist (Section A)
Summer 2007
Web Scripting
Summer 2007
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Spring 2007

Programming for the Artist (Section A)

Spring 2007
Web Scripting (Section A)
Spring 2007
Design for Multimedia Display (Section A)
Winter 2007
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Winter 2007
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Winter 2007
Scriptwriting for Interactive Media (Section A)
Winter 2007

Programming for the Artist (Section A)

Fall 2006
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Fall 2006
Web Scripting (Section A)
Fall 2006
Scriptwriting for Digital Film (Section A)
Fall 2006
Database Management (Section A)
Summer 2006
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Summer 2006
Web Scripting (Section A)
Summer 2006
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Spring 2006
Scriptwriting for Digital Media Production (Section A)
Spring 2006
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Spring 2006
Survey of Design and Media Arts (Section B)
Spring 2006
Web Scripting (Section A)
Winter 2006
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Winter 2006
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Fall 2005
Advanced Web Scripting (Independent Study)
Fall 2005
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Fall 2005
Scriptwriting for Digital Media Production (Section A)
Fall 2005
Survey of Design and Media Arts (Section B)
Summer 2005
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A & B)
Summer 2005
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Spring 2005
Survey of Design and Media Arts (Section C)
Spring 2005
Scriptwriting for Games (Section B)
Spring 2005
Scriptwriting for Digital Media Production (Section A)
Winter 2005
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Winter 2005
Computer Literacy (Section F)
Winter 2005
Survey of Design and Media Arts (Sections C and D)
Fall 2004
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Fall 2004
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Fall 2004
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Summer 2004
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Summer 2004
Scriptwriting for Multimedia (Section A)
Summer 2004
Scriptwriting for Games (Section A)
Summer 2004
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Spring 2004
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Spring 2004
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Winter 2004
Computer Literacy
Winter 2004
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Winter 2004
Advanced Web Scripting (Section A)
Fall 2003
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Fall 2003
Advanced Web Scripting (Sections A & B)
Summer 2003
Survey of Design and Media Arts
Summer 2003
Introduction to the World Wide Web



This document is an archive of resources provided by Lindsay Grace, Associate Professor of Game Design and Web Design at the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. The resources provided here concern undergraduate level instruction in art and design for the commercial arts. This includes video game art and design, web design, film making, and commercial writing. These resources are to be used by students of the Art and Design college. The use of materials not written by Lindsay Grace, if any, are provided within the definition of Unites States of America "fair use laws." Any third party content is provided with the understanding that it meets all local, state, and federal copyright restrictions.
Please provide credit to author when linking or using these materials..

Some links may be broken.

The following courses match their provided course codes

You may also be looking for my old class resources for courses I taught at ITT Techinical Schools and American Intercontinental University





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