Game Prototyping 1 & 2 | |
Instructor: Lindsay Grace |
There is an IGDA Chicago meeting on Wednesday, May 28th (2008). The subject is a post mortem from Midway's Stranglehold using Unreal. It should be a good learning experience and a nice opportunity to network. It's in Lincoln Park by the Red Line Fullerton Stop (Depaul University):
"Chicago IGDA Meeting: Stranglehold Postmortem
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008
Veteran game developer Brian Eddy will share all the juicy details on
what went into the making of Stranglehold. He will talk about what
worked and what didn't when faced with the challenges of creating
Midway's first next generation game on new hardware platforms, creating
a highly modified version of the Unreal engine, developing a new I.P.
with unique gameplay, working with world famous director John Woo and
bigger than life actor Chow Yun Fat, heralding a large companywide
sharing initiative and how the team did all of this at the same time.
Stranglehold was released on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in the fall of
2007 along with a Map pack that was released for the Xbox360 and PS3 in
December of 2007. Stranglehold, an intense action game, is a
collaboration with world renowned action film director, John Woo's
(Face/Off, Hard Boiled, The Killer) Tiger Hill Entertainment.
Stranglehold was developed at Midway's Chicago studio by the critically
acclaimed Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy(r) team, led by Brian Eddy.
. . .
Meeting Details:
When: Wednesday, May 28th. Doors open at 6:30 PM, Presentation starts
at 7 PM
Where: Lake Room, University Center, 525 S. State, Chicago, IL
Cost: $10 Non-Members, $5 IGDA Members & DePaul Students
RSVP: Please RSVP to Carrie Fowler at
with your name and
email address to confirm attendance. Space for this meeting is limited.
Volunteers: If you would like to assist with check-in please indicate
this in your RSVP. I will email you to confirm if help is still needed.
Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.