Game Prototyping
Instructor: Lindsay Grace


As you embark on your next development cycle, I'd strongly suggest revisiting what you learned in prototyping last quarter. The following observations come directly from your teams' written post-mortem's. Please take your own advice while you work on phase two of your prototypes. In case you don't trust my words, perhaps you'll trust the words of others. Either way, you'll have a few "clever" mottos from which to make a new bumper sticker.

"Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results."

“The principle goal of education is to create men [and women] who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done - men who are creative, inventive and discoverers”-Piaget

“The one good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to cringe”

Hostile Takeover:

What went right What Went Wrong
"Solid Art Assets . . . our concept art and 3D art stayed true to the design concepts of the game" Tech Issues
"Good, Solid, game design . . . solid design helps all artist develop content that fits the game." Lack of Documentation . . . we became less organized because the documentation was not done, yet we began producing content"
"Clear Vision and Design Goals . . . a solid, focused design"

Communication problems . . .we were sometimes not on the same page . . . we did not have enough weekly group meetings."

"Our inability to keep all information flowing among all members was our biggest problem . . not all members kept efficient contact with each other"

"We had some very talented, bright, and artistic members "

"Loss of Motivation . . due to the inability to implement such a large number of our ideas."
"We did have originality. . . our idea . . . could not be confused with anything before [it]" Details bogging us down during implementation
"Very Task oriented . . . thought it was muddles and confusing at times" Conflicting group members' priorities . . . scheduling and academic conflicts"
  Concept was not consistent throughout . . . ever changing ideas lead many people in the group astray, confused, and frustrated



What went right What Went Wrong
"Story Driven Game" Dependence on one technical person
"Living" Game Design Not enoguh player engagement
"Good workflow among teammates" "No fear, no gore, no game"
  Not Something New


Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.