Game Prototyping | |
Instructor: Lindsay Grace |
Week 1 Reading:
How To prototype a game in under 7 Days: (required)
An inspirtational article about rapid game prototyping
This article outlines the process, pitfalls and productive points in a semester long prototyping assignment carried out by students like you. This should help you understand what you are getting into and introduce some of the common concepts in rapid prototyping. The first four to five weeks of this class are oriented toward a rapid prototyping process. You will be building games in a short amount of time and generating several proof of concept implementations. Read and learn – we might have a quiz.
We will be looking at examples from here, so if you are wondering where I get some of those crazy little prototypes, here it is:
In the reading you'll see some IGF award winners that became commercial successes.
The following is optional reading. We will cover this material in class, but if you are particularly motivated, I encourage you to get it now.
Game Prototyping: How the Skunkworks Work: (optional)
An article outlining the the neccesity of prototypes for good game design.
Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.