Advanced Web Scripting
Instructor: Lindsay Grace

Group Project Outline


The group projects are your opportunity to demonstrate applied knowledge. You should use your creativity to implement a website that uses JavaScript in useful, user centered applications. As with all assignments, please be sure to follow directions carefully. Be sure to present your product well by avoiding spelling errors or obvious defects in design and implementation.


Create a website centered around the topic of your choice. Your website idea must be approved by your instructor.

Website and Code Requirements:

- At least 3 interactive elements. Interactive elements include a menu navigation system, form validation and processing, an interactive game or similar items. Ineractive elements which use the same code provided in class will not receive full credit. If using code provided in the book or in class, be sure to add substantial enhancements or creative application.

- At least 7 web pages. A users of your web site each of the pages should be easily reached from your home page. The HTML should represent clear, competent design. Any images should be your own work, public domain, or made available through the school’s image bank. Pease respect copyright law.

-Use at least one external CSS document to enhance the site

Document Requirements:

- A 3-5 page document that describes the team’s decisions about usability, website design, and the code behind the website.

Consider creating work to be included in your portfolio. Use serious topics and take pride in your work.

Interactive elements created in language other than CSS, XML, HTML/XHTML, PHP, CGI, and JavaScript will not count towards elements of interactivity. You can include Flash and Director files to enhance your site, but they will not be a part of the interactive elements score.

Any work that was completed outside of this class cannot be submitted for this assignment. Any attempts to do so will result in a failing grade.

Code Guidelines

- All code must be original work and cannot be copied from existing websites or code banks.
-All code must be commented.
- All code should work for Microsoft Internet Explorer (6.0) and Netscape Navigator (6.0) and above.

Documentation Guidelines

The documentation for your project should be 3 double-spaced, typed pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font.

The documentation should focus on three core aspects of your project

- The design of the Website
- Design of the interfaces
- Development and functionality of the programming logic

If you include pictures of your work the document should be lengthened accordingly.


Your software will be beta tested by the class one week prior to grading (week 10). This is your opportunity to correct any unforeseen errors or usability issues. Groups that do not take suggestion from testing must articulate why they chose not to in their document.

Your grade will be based on the following

50 points: Initial beta test
30 points: Documentation
20 points: Final product

Total: 100 points.

Beta Test
The beta test should be fully functional. The websites you present to the class must be showcase quality. At this stage the websites should be easily used without much explanation. An “A” product will be well thought out, original and fully functional. An “A” product may have a few minor spelling errors or usability oversights, but generally indicates a significant amount of planning and development.


Please follow the guidelines above for documentation. An “A” document will not contain any spelling errors. It will also be a polished document that is substantive enough to stand on its own. A reader of this document should be able to read and understand it without reviewing the website.
Although the documentation for this project is not due until the final product is handed in, it may be a good idea to provide the class with a copy of your documentation when presenting your beta test. You will then have the ability to revise your documentation if the student reviewers find problems.

Final Product

The final product will be polished and error free. It should demonstrate an understanding of the concepts discussed in class and in the class textbook. Use of functions, conditional logic, DOM and other key concepts demonstrates and understanding of them. Please use the material covered in class effectively.

This project may be a strong candidate for addition to your final portfolio. Please complete the project with this in mind.