Computer Literacy
Instructor: Lindsay Grace

Course Title: Computer Literacy

Course Number and Section: GE110 Term: Winter  
Number of Quarter Hours: 4 Time: 6:00 – 9:00  
  Year: 2004
  Place: Main
Instructor: Lindsay D. Grace  
Office Phone / E-mail:  

Course Description:
Computer Literacy acquaints and trains students in the use of computer packages. This training includes operating systems, word processing, database management, spreadsheet, and presentation software.

Required Materials:
1. Three floppy disks (2 formatted for the IBM PC, 1 for the Mac).
2. School login ID and password for e-mail access and project work.
3. One folder.

Microsoft Office 2000 Projects
Carol M. Cram,
Course Technology, 2000,
ISBN 0-7600-6159-9

1. Describe what a computer is and how it processes data.
2. Explain and use different types of storage media.
3. Send and receive e-mail.
4. Demonstrate basic word processing skills.
5. Demonstrate basic spreadsheet skills.
6. Demonstrate basic presentation software skills.
7. Compare different operating systems and environments.
8. Demonstrate file management skills.
9. Use a printer and a scanner.
10. Demonstrate Internet skills.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1
PC History
PC Basics: Software Part 1
MS-Word Part I

Week 2
PC Basics: Software Part II
Operating Systems 1: Microsoft Operating Systems
MS-Word Part II

Week 3
Operating Systems 2: Apple Operating System et al.
MS-Excel Part I

Week 4
PC Basics: Hardware
MS-Excel Part II

Week 5
Midterm Review (PC Basics, MS-Word, MS-Excel)
Midterm Exam

Week 6
Database Introduction Part I

Week 7
Database Introduction Part II

Week 8
Computer Networks: History
PowerPoint Basics Part I

Week 9
Computer Networks: Fundamentals
Office 2000 Suite Integration

Week 10
The World Wide Web
The Internet

Week 11
The PC Future and Final Exam review
Final Exam

Instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule

Grading System:
Point Score Range Letter Grade
93 and above A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
Below 63 F

Score Breakdown:

Homework/ Projects: 30%
Midterm: 30%
Final: 30%
Quizzes: 10%

There will be a minimum of 4 homework / project assignments.

Course Requirements and Policies

All students must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Illinois Institute of Art’s student handbook.

Students are expected to attend each class and arrive on time. Any student arriving late for an exam may not be given a chance to complete the exam. Late assignments are deducted one letter grade per day.

Makeup exams and acceptance of late assignments will only be granted in the following circumstances; Medical excuse, emergencies, campus-sponsored activities.

All issues of attendance and tardiness will be handled as school policy dictates and at the discretion of the instructor.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Any student that cheats or plagiarizes will be reported to the school administration for immediate discipline.