Survey of Design and Media Art
Instructor: Lindsay Grace

Lecture 10: Basics of Graphic Design

This is a summary of some of the content from class.

Taken from Looking Good in Print 1998

Steps in the Graphic Design Process

  1. · Analyze the audience and determine the purpose of your message.
  2. Decide how your message will appear (will it be a printed magazine page, on the back of a shirt, on a web site).
  3. Establish goals
  4. Organize text and graphics.
  5. Choose an appropriate format and layout.
  6. Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing.
  7. Add and manipulate graphics.
  8. Proofread
  9. Refine and fine-tune.

Layout: the arrangement of type and graphics

There is no single right way to create a good layout

Remember to:

Guidelines for organizing layout

Emphasisze by Size:
Emphasize by Geometry
Emphasize by Value and Color
Emphasize by location

The 7 Elements of Design

Line: any mark connecting two points (dashed, dotted, thin, squiggly, etc)
Shape: primarily 2D

Space: The area around things - gives the eye a visual rest
Texture: The impression or illusion of surface, or the actual surface

Value: The degree of lightness or darkness (think spectrum)


The 4 Basic Principles of Design:


