Game Prototyping II
Instructor: Lindsay Grace


Introduction to Rapid Iteration

You have now become more4 comfortable with your technology from concept through production. With this comfort comes the ability to really fine tune your ideas, and perhaps for the first time, make them a reality. You may be ready to start developing like the big guys, or at least a little less like students. As we refine the game, constantly pursuing fun, you may find yourself wondering about "rapid iteration." Take a look at this article for more information:

The following article is about manage change in iterative game development. Parts of it are technical, but it also gives voice to a few the topics I tried to introduce in GAD415 (Programming for the Artist) and GAD420 (Prototyping 1). These include managing changes and treating the problem instead of the symptom.




Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.