Game Prototyping
Instructor: Lindsay Grace


In case you haven’t been reminding yourself that you are an artist, with artistic decisions to make, I thought I’d share an article I really enjoyed.  This was later placed in Gamasustra, but I think one of the really interesting observations occurs about the article (instead of in it). 

“No-one has fantasies about being a cell-shaded street racer, or a cubist special forces soldier, and so typically those styles aren't considered in the original conception; it's just assumed that if you're making a game about soldiers, that they'll look like soldiers. [...] This is why I consider photorealism in games to be an absence of a defined art style: because when abstract styles are employed that's a conscious decision, yet when photorealism is used, chances are the designer just wanted to make a game about driving cars, rather than a game about driving photorealistic cars.”

I really thought that was an important observation, either way I’d suggest reading the article.  Perhaps it will be fodder for an interesting discussion with someone during an interview, or perhaps (ideally) it will inform your future art design decisions (hint, hint for those of you taking Programming for the Artist next quarter).    


While you are at it, you might want to read:

Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.