Scriptwriting and Story for Digital Media Production
Instructor: Lindsay Grace


Scriptwriting for Digital Media Production
Homework: Due 05-02-06
Brainstorm five ideas for the teleplay assignment

1. Review the suggestions in Book 2, entitled “Summon Your Muse” and “Develop your Core Story idea”

2. Create 5 situations around which your teleplay will revolve. These ideas do not have to be written formally. Simply communicate each situation in 2-3 sentences.


A former child prodigy is homeless on the streets of Chicago. While the adult world ignores him, a child forms a relationship with him. The child learns the value of societal norms. (theme apparent, plot apparent)

A recent college graduate discovers that he needs more than intelligence and a good degree to make it his first advertising job. He discovers lying, manipulation and greed are all part of the game. (near pinch, theme apparent)

A lonely man is pushed into traffic and seriously injured. He finds the comfort and attention of the hospital makes him happy. He begins to fake, then actually hurts himself to return to the comfort and attention of the hospital. (character indicated)

Several people are in an austere room nervously awaiting their fates. They begin to bicker under the tension. The people form sides and the protagonist is caught in the middle. The protagonist is tormented by their bickering and accosts everyone. It was all an experiment. (realization apparent)

An artistic women sees the face of her dead child in everything she creates. She abandons her art to divorce herself from the experience. She then sees her child’s face in other people’s children and is left tormented. (theme hinted)



Provided by Lindsay Grace for students of the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. These documents may be used by others when properly credited. Please email lgrace at aii edu for more information.